Clean Height Fog is a very simple post processing solution to apply fullscreen color gradient by the height of the pixels directly.Clean Height Fog directly samples the world positions of screen pixels in post processing, and change the color directly by their height with given parameters.This is similar to deferred fog but it can work both in forward and deferred render pipeline.It's not a real fog, but super fast and stylized for specific games.Also considers the skybox as their height can not be obtained, but can be sampled by the direction of the pixel direction.The package also contains a color skybox shader to work with height fog if needed.Package contains some simple examples with Cube boxes, the building assets in the preview picture is not included in the package.For best practice the package can be used for stylized games, especially for urban environments that you want the lower world to be dark.Only supports Unity Built-in Pipeline by now.Require Post Processing package installedAn fullscreen height fog shader included.A color skybox shader for demonstration, which can also be used in stylized games.An heigh fog post process stack script.Some examples to see how it works.Requires Post-Process package installed.