Tactics Toolkit is the all-in-one template for SRPG games.Tactics Toolkit is the all-in-one template for SRPG games. Split into seven different scenes, this asset pack with show you all the parts that make up an SRPG level.PathfindingRPG SystemsEffect TilesTurn-Based MechanicsBasic AttacksAbilitiesEnemy AIAnd there is a final scene that uses all of these systems.Want to know what you're getting before you buy? Check out all the test scenes on Itch or the free Tactics Toolkit: Pathfinding asset pack. All are linked below.Itch.io - https://lawlessplays.itch.io/tacticstoolkitTactics Toolkit: Pathfinding - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/tutorials/tactics-toolkit-pathfinding-237954This is not the answer to all your problems, but I hope it helps. It is in my best interest to make this asset pack the best it can be for you and my own game. So please, if you have feedback/requests, just contact me at lawlessplays@gmail.com or my discord Lawless#7060, and we can talk about it.Features:A* PathfindingRPG SystemsEffect SystemsTurn-Based Mechanics (Stat Based, Conditional Based)Turn Order Preview QueueAttacksAbilitiesEnemy AI3d MapsTooltipsFuture FeaturesAnything else you lovely people ask forSupported platformsPCMacWebGL