An old plaid sofa. Contains a game-ready (triangulated, low-poly) model with a single texture atlas (for each PBR map).The materials have by default the already mentioned AutodeskInteractive shader, since it comes with the URP package.Technically speaking, since this is a 3D model, it should work with the rest of the render pipelines (Built-in, HDRP), and Editor versions. However, it was only tested with URP using Unity 2021.A cozy but old/abandoned plaid sofa. Perfect for horror games (abandoned, isolated places), but it absoluptly fit in almost any other setting. The package contains a game-ready (triangulated, low-poly) model with a single texture atlas (per PBR map). Modeled, UV unwrapped and rendered in Blender 3.3The model was tested in Unity 2021 with the Universal Render Pipeline using the AutodeskInteractive shader, which have slots for Roughness and Metalness. For more information on this shader, please refer to: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Shader-Autodesk-Interactive.htmlTEXTURESPBR Workflow: Base Color (Albedo), Normal map (OpenGL), Roughness, Ambient OcclusionTexture size: 2k (2048x2048)Texture format: PNGMESHPolygons: 1, 648Vertices: 882Rigged?: NoAnimated?: NoUV mapping?: Yes (Non-overlapping)LOD?: No