The pack can be really useful for adding Christmas events to your game. It's most useful for giving the correct mood for the environments.The pack contains gingerbread cookies, Christmas lights, snowmen, gift boxes in wrapping paper, Christmas tree, and other smaller decorations.Intended to help create a Christmas mood in any game. It can help create a temporary Christmas event in an already existing game or fill the house for a story game.Prefab count = 111Textures:1024 x 10245 atlas based textures33 seamless wrapping paper textures1 emission dots textureMaterials:5 atlas materials33 wrapping paper materials8 emission materials1 transparent material4 flat color materialsTriange counts:HighestWreath_01 = 19 036GingerBreadChurch_01 = 14 106GingerBreadHouse_03 = 13 359Average = 1594Median = Mug_05 = 568LowestCoffeeTable_04 = 102Marshmallow_01 = 92CoffeeTable_02 = 74Colliders:No collidersUVs:Main UVs are placed on the texture atlas to just define which color a face getsSome objects have spread out UVs to make use of tilable wrapping paper texturesLightmap UVs are generated by Unity