Learn to generate an overlay grid over you're tilemaps and do Pathfinding using the A* Algorithm.Tactics Toolkit: Pathfinding is a free demo of the all-in-one solution for SRPG games, Tactics Toolkit.With this asset path, you will be able to create a grid on an isometric tile map dynamically. Spawn a character and have them move around the map using the A* Algorithm. You can also limit the character by Range and Display the path the character will take before they take it.This is Just scene 1 of 7 that would be available in the Full Tactics Toolkit version, so be sure to check that out if you like this pack.Tactics Toolkit: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/packs/tactics-toolkit-238215FeaturesA* PathfindingDynamic Grid Overlay GenerationCharacter Movement Range DisplaysPath DisplaySupported platformsPC & Mac