Liven up your ocean scenes with the URP version of the Saltwater Fish Complete Pack. From sharks to brightly coloured reef fish, there is something here for any ocean setting.Includes Saltwater Fish Vol 1, Saltwater Fish Vol 2 and Tropical Reef Fish.A collection of 34 saltwater fish, plus 4 turtles.Most are less than 1000 polygons.All have swim and death animations, some have idle animations.Includes diffuse, normal and specular maps (1024x1024 or 2048x2048)Includes spawn/shoaling scripts.Species listAmberjack, Barracuda, Basking shark, Blue tang, Butterfly fish, Coral grouper, Dorado,Eagle ray, Emperor angelfish, Great white shark, Grouper, Humphead wrasse, Kingfish, Leervis, Lion fish, Mako shark, Manta ray, Marlin, Nurse shark, Parrot fish, Queen angelfish,Red snapper, Sailfish, Steenbras, Striped bass, Swordfish, Tarpon, Tiger Shark, Triggerfish,Tripletail, Tuna, Wahoo, Whale shark and Yellowfin bream.Bonus speciesGreen turtle, Leatherback turtle, Loggerhead turtle and Olive Ridley turtle.NoteWater used in showcase video is Crest Ocean System URP - NOT INCLUDED IN PACKAGEDiffuse, normal and specular textures.38 prefabsRigged and animated.