Simple Ads (IronSouce/LevelPlay, UnityAds, AdMob, Vungle, YandexAds)
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Simple Ads is a plugin for Unity to boost ad networks integration. It provides a unified interface to show ads with no need to learn SDK docs.
Install ad network plugins, setup app keys and placement IDs. And then just show ads with 1 call. You don't need to learn SDK docs, initialize plugins, load and reload ads, subscribe to events an other boring things. The wrapper hides low-level things and provides unified high-level functions like showing ads. Moreover, it supports waterfalls based on Remote Config (optional), so you can set ad priority at runtime based on eCPM data.
● Supported networks: IronSouce/LevelPlay, UnityAds (Advertisement Legacy), AdMob, Vungle, YandexAds
● Basic formats: Interstitial, Rewarded and Banner
● AdManager, an unified wrapper for all networks
● You can add new networks support by adding new adapters
● Remote waterfalls using Remote Config (separate for each ad type)
● Gathering user consent with Google User Messaging Platform (AdMob only)
Setup steps:
Please visit GitHub for setup steps and script reference.
I have nothing to do with ad plugins and don't provide support on their API. If needed, you can refer to their websites for docs, API references and bugs.
● Discord - questions, live chat with developers
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