Customizable 3D Anime Character for 3D URP in unity editor. With multiple clothes, hair and color skin to use, you can create thousand of combination for your perfect characters.Customizable 3D Anime Character with simple to use inspector to customize character in editor. Include custom cell shading for URP and basic unlit material for Built-in and HDRP.Package contain:A base character with 5 different skin color to choose.20 different shirt to choose from.20 different pants and skirt to choose from.27 jackets and set models including suit and maid outfit.8 different shoe.9 front hair, 9 side hair and 21 back hair.25 hats and accesories to use.10 eyes, 9 mouth and 7 eyeballs to use9 basic animation(3 idle animation, 2 walk animation, 2 run animation and jump and landing animation)Check technical details for full breakdown of vertices.Polygon count for final model with clothes on will be around 3000 to 4000 vertices and can be lower depending clothes used.Humanoid avatar.Characters and clothes are rigged.NOTE: The script is used to change clothes at editor, not runtime. To be used at runtime some tweaking is required.Custom URP Material2 textures for material and 1 normal map each 1024x1024 in size.Fully rigged models with 9 basic animation(3 idle animation, 2 walk animation, 2 run animation and jump and landing animation)Humanoid avatar.UV Mapped Models,models including:5 full Body character with varying skin color each have around 1000 verticesalternative hand models with no fingers have 77 vertices, combined with the body making around 600 vertices full body20 Shirt made from base shirt and sleeve models. Package have 7 different base clothes and 9 sleeve both left and right each with 6 to 11 varying alternative colors, vertices ranging from 200 to 236 for base shirt and 49 to 97 for sleeves.20 Pants models each with 6 to 11 varying alternative colors, vertices ranging from 66 to 21627 jacket models each with 6 to 11 varying alternative colors, vertices ranging from 152 to 4998 Different shoe models both left and right each with 6 to 11 varying alternative colors, vertices ranging from 40 to 1429 different front hair (27 to 176 vertices), 9 different side hair (24 to 64vertices) and 21 different back hair (100 to 200 vertices) each with 11 varying alternative colors.25 Hats and Accessories each with 11 varying alternative colors, vertices ranging from 48 to 84.10 different Eyes with both left and right (17 vertices each) and 9 different mouth (15 vertices each) and 7 eyeballs (8 vertices each) to use.1 character with each clothes on will tally up to 3000 to 4000 vertices per character.Total meshes283 shirt and sleeves232 pants176 shoes301 jackets and suit319 hats and accessories.437 hairs (front, side and back)49 face attributes (eyes, mouth, eyeball and eyebrows)