Art Gallery Vol.2 a good solution for your games, VR projects and simulators, Picture gallery.A modern art gallery full of sculptures and frames. It includes 11 sculptures, 14 paintings, It’s good for collection exhibitions or paintings showcase.All paintings are independent textures so that they could be replaced to your paintings easily, it will be perfect for ArchViz, VR or any kind of AAA games.Technical specifications:- Number of Unique Meshes 31.- Number of polygons - from 2 (for simple models) to 14,226 (for complex models).- Texture size (1024 x 1024 to 2048 x 2048).- Types of texture maps – BaseMap, Normal, MaskMap.The package contains:· 14 Fbx models· 17 prefabs with colliders· 74 Textures· 1 HDRI Cubemap (2048 x 1024)· Optimized 3D Models· Baked GI· Post Processing Setup· VR Ready· 1 demo scene with lightmap