Hurricane VR Enhancer Pack will bootstrap your Hurricane VR project with tons of features and integrations. This will save you time, and money.This add-on works with assets from the Hurricane VR Enhancement ListHurricane VR Enhancer Pack is an ever growing set of features being added to the Hurricane VR template. This asset includes:Impacts and Melee DamageSwimming in Lux WaterPlayer Damage from Emerald AIMain Menu and Spawn PointsDialogue System for Unity IntegrationIntegration with Portal Effect by KnifeSave and Load with check pointsOpen world savesCarry Items Between ScenesPlayer DeathPlayer HP is savedPlayer Ammo is savedNPC location and health is savedAmmo UIHealth PickupsAmmo PickupsDismembermentMore to come:Dialogue System Save and LoadingEasysave IntegrationGun SpinBullet TimeMore weapons!Get your addons and integrations here:https://jeremyinteractive.gumroad.com/p/hvr-enhancer-pack-addonsCompatible assets are here:https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/hurricane-vr-enhancement-1375124330233NOTE: Be sure to import Text Mesh Pro Essentials for pause menuImpactsPistol Whip with any weaponMeleeSwimmingPlayer DamageNPC DamageMain MenuPause MenuSpawn PointsDialogue System for Unity IntegrationPortal JumpsPlayer DeathPersistent ItemsDownload Addons athttps://jeremyinteractive.gumroad.com/p/hvr-enhancer-pack-addonsNOTE: Be sure to import Text Mesh Pro Essentials for pause menu