The Gothicvania Collection package lets you create a Metroidvania game in a 16-bit pixel-art style. Everything you need is included.GOTHICVANIA COLLECTION 2 IS AVAILABLE NOWYou get it for FREE if you bought the Gothicvania Collection 1BEFORE YOU BUY!Check out my Ultimate 16-bit Collection that includes this and hundred of other assets in this style.Over 800 sprites made in crispy pixel-art style from the 16 bit era in one collection, easy to use out of th package. From Tilesets, sprites, backgrounds and icons to Music tracks. Thi s pack will let you make your "Metroidvania" game without worrying on the artistic part.INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGEENVIRONMENTSBackgrounds in different layers, tilesets and propsMountains AreaA Spider Nest Cave AreaA Bridge AreaAn Interior of a buildingCHARACTER SPRITESPlayable heroes, Enemies, NPS and a Boss. All of them fully animated4 PlayersPlayer Hooded SwordmanPlayer Gun GirlPlayer Heroine swordgirl8 EnemiesBoss WendigoSilmemummydemonspidersorcererskeletonbat3 NPCManOld womanGirlITEMSover 100 food items and some potions.VFXMagic Spells, enemy deaths and shoots effects. 10 different VFX fully animated.Magic Spell AirMagic Spell IceMagic Spell Thunder2 Enemy death effectsshots and fireballsPickup item feedbackMUSICAlso added 4 Music tracks seamless looped in wav format and ready to use.Over 800 filesFully animated16bit pixel-artpng and ogg file formats. hand drawn animation