Mimoto will help you to easily generate a character with a full identity, to integrate into your project; whether it’s a life simulation, a town management, or as npc’s in a RPG game.Features:Easy Setup: Mimoto was created to be an easy solution that can be integrated within any project.Scriptable Objects: Using Scriptable Objects to easily create and customize characters data and settings. You can create countries, cities, jobs, languages, personality traits, races, genders, and more!A huge amount of data: Out-of-the-box, Mimoto includes a huge amount of data, to ensure that generated characters will be as unique as possible.Countries and cities: Includes 195 real world countries and some of their cities, in the form of ScriptableObjects. Countries also come bundled with their own list of common forenames and surnames, flags, languages and demonyms.Languages: Includes 87 real world languages, each with its own form of greeting, so characters can say hello in their native tongue.Names and country specific feminine surnames: Each country has its own NameData, which includes a huge list of common forenames and surnames. Some countries (Like Greece, Russia and Iceland) also have an extra feminine surnames list, where females usually have a gender-specific surnames.Birthdays and Zodiac signs: Characters have Zodiac signs with Zodiac elements, calculated based on the character’s birth date.Family members: Mimoto generates parents and siblings for each character. Some characters may have several siblings, while other characters may have none.Jobs: Includes a list of modern day jobs and medieval times jobs for games with fantasy settings.Personality traits: Characters can have positive or negative traits.Avatars: Mimoto avatars are generated with different features and styles based on the character’s country of birth.Genders: Genders can be customized and new genders can be created.Examples and a detailed guide are included.Works on all platforms. (Desktop, Mobile, WebGL, and more!).Animated: Yes.Additional: Hand-drawn cartoon art.Supported OS:Standalone (Windows, MacOs, Linux).Mobile (iOS, Android).WebGL.