Are you interested in making an amazing shoot em up, bullet hell, flying space fighter, and ... This humble asset package is going to be the right one for you.- are you interested in making an amazing shoot em up, bullet hell, flying space fighter, and ... This humble asset package is going to be the right one for you. With the full attention to details on fully handcrafted assets designed by industry professional with more than 8 years of experiences. Those who honor us and buy this package will have a full commercial use license to make more creative stuffs with them.- High quality, fully detailed Pixel art assets.- 10+ frames on all the animations ( saved as the folder of images instead of Sprite sheets to help you optimise your project)- Multiple types of enemies with different looks.- Inovative enemy & hero designs.- This pack will fully cover a game from 0 to 100- Handcraft fontFiles count:Prefabs count = 33Animations count = 51Fonts count = 1Scenes count = 3Sprites count = 695[Used source file(s)] sizes: 66.3 MBAnimated: YesTextures dimension:500 x 500300 x 300250 x 250