A clean & simple Rigidbody based character that can go up stairs & slopes, interact with rigidbodies, manage/change local gravity, use root motion. Comes with camera and other helper scripts as well.Works with any RP, you just need to swap the standard materials with the RP specific ones.A clean & simple Rigidbody based character that can go up stairs & slopes, interact with rigidbodies, manage/change local gravity, use root motion. Comes with camera and other helper scripts as well.In order to quickly get started there is prefab included in the `{Prefabs}` folder which has everything already setup. Simply drag this prefab called `RBCharacter.prefab` into a scene and your ready to go. If you need to configure the input mapping by any chance then you just need to modify the `PlayerLegacyInputHandler.cs` located in `{Scripts}/Demo/`.If you are using Unity's InputSystem package then see the InputSystem section in the included README.You can demo and see this tool in action in the Demo scene `Demo.unity`.The character script if heavily commented so that you can learn and understand the techniques used and even modify it if you desire. There is also documentation included that outlines most of the important scripts, methods, components, and provides an overview of the folder structure and what does what. The script also has many of it's methods ready to be overriden if you wish to create a subclass too program additional functionality.Documentation is included in the package and located under `RigidbodyCharacter/Documentation/` (See the README).The RigidbodyCharacter component allows a level designer to easily configure things like movement (use root locomotion, move speed, acceleration, slope angle limit, rotation, etc), arial properties (jump type, jump height, arial influence, etc), gravity (gravity type, direction, etc), Collision handling (stair/step height, what is ground, ceiling hits, etc).Input logic is not tied to the controller logic, instead the controller exposes UnityEvents so that you can tie your own custom input logic although there are scripts included that handle input for you.