High-quality Realistic tree package that can be used for survival games and others.A set of 24 tree models that optimized for mobile platforms that is compatible with Standard pipelinesWith a super optimized translucency and wind shader for all platforms with the zero performance costThis pack is made as a 3d model (fbx) so that you can easily use them in any pipeline.A set of 24 tree models that optimized for mobile platforms that is compatible with Standard pipelinesWith a super optimized translucency and wind shader for all platforms with the zero performance costThe included demo lets you explore the prefabsModels:There are total 24 different Tree Models of different trees, Every tree has three different variations. All the models are already optimized so you may not need any lod for that. But if you need them you have to make them your own. Here is the Poly-count of every single prefab:- Models - Triangles - Vertex1.Banana_01 - 44.5k - 35.5k2.Banana_02 - 26.5k - 22.9k3.Banana_03 - 31.0k - 25.9k4.Bamboo_01 - 3.4k - 10.2k5.Bamboo_02 - 15.4k - 20.7k6.Bamboo_03 - 17.0k - 17.2k7.Maple_01 - 55.7k - 79.2k8.Maple_02 - 54.8k - 78.5k9.Maple_03 - 55.6k - 79.9k10.Pine_01 - 14.1k - 12.3k11.Pine_02 - 22.4k - 22.1k12.Pine_03 - 16.2k - 18.4k13.Willow_01 - 38.2k - 33.2k14.Willow_02 - 34.8k - 30.5k15.Willow_03 - 38.2k - 33.2k16.Spruce_01 - 22.8k - 25.1k17.Spruce_02 - 17.3k - 19.8k18.Spruce_03 - 18.6k - 21.1k19.Beech_01 - 37.2k - 49.4k20.Beech_02 - 24.3k - 30.1k21.Beech_03 - 27.9k - 36.1k22.Palm_01 - 29.6k - 25.3k23.Palm_02 - 18.6k - 16.9k24.Palm_03 - 24.0k - 21.2kTextures:All the Diffuse and Normal Maps are in .png format Here is the list of textures and their details.- Maps - Dimensions - Types1.bamboo leaf - 1024x1024 - .png2.bamboo leaf_Normal - 1024x1024 - .png3.plant02 - 1024x1024 - .png4.plant02_normal - 1024x1024 - .png5.banana01 - 512x1024 - .png6.banana01_normal - 512x1024 - .png7.plant06 - 1024x1024 - .png8.plant06_normal - 1024x1024 - .png9.plantblend - 1024x1024 - .png10.plantblend_normal - 1024x1024 - .png11.bark01 - 1024x1024 - .png12.bark01_normal - 1024x1024 - .png13.beech leaf - 1024x1024 - .png14.beech leaf_Normal - 1024x1024 - .png15.bark02 - 1024x1024 - .png16.bark02_normal - 1024x1024 - .png17.leaf maple - 256x256 - .png18.leaf maple_normal - 256x256 - .png19.coconut palm leaf - 1024x1024 - .png20.coconut palm leaf_Normal - 1024x1024 - .png21.palm02 - 1024x1024 - .png22.palm02_normal - 1024x1024 - .png23.bark01 - 1024x1024 - .png24.bark01_normal - 1024x1024 - .png25.pine branch - 1024x1024 - .png26.pine branch_Normal - 1024x1024 - .png27.bark09 - 512x1024 - .png28.bark09_normal - 512x1024 - .png29.branch06 - 1024x1024 - .png30.branch06_normal - 1024x1024 - .png31.spruce branch - 1024x1024 - .png32.spruce branch_Normal - 1024x1024 - .png33.spruce leaf - 1024x1024 - .png34.spruce leaf_Normal - 1024x1024 - .png35.bark10 - 1024x1024 - .png36.bark10_normal - 1024x1024 - .png37.willow branch - 1024x1024 - .png38.willow branch_Normal - 1024x1024 - .pngModels:There are total 24 different Tree Models of different trees, Every tree has three different variations. All the models are already optimized so you may not need any lod for that. But if you need them you have to make them your own.Textures:All the Diffuse and Normal Maps are in .png format and in 1024x1024 ResulationRendering:For better rendering enable post processing in the package manager. Then add a layer call “post process” in the main camera and assign Post process layer and Post process volume in the main camera and customize it in your own way.