zASCII - Fullscreen post-process ASCII effect
Digital Software Publishing
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Fast, light-weight fullscreen ASCII solution using postprocess shaderWant to add a fullscreen ASCII shader to your project and don't want to hassle with shaders and code OR are you an advanced developer that know your way around C# and HLSL shaders?Both scenarios are covered in this fast, flexible and accessable solution.All code, shader and textures included.HDRP and URP is untested, but any developer experienced enough to be using those modes should be able to easily use the package for those modes.Fast post-process shaderFull screen or in-scene texture (tv screen etc)ASCII can be both native resolution and super-sampledCan be used on any in-scene cameraUnity Forum Support thread: https://forum.unity.com/threads/released-zascii-fullscreen-post-process-ascii-effect.1363189/Support-forum: http://www.digitalsoftware.se/community/forum-9.html