The Floating Inspector is your new tool to speed up the iteration process. Sick of jumping across the screen, or losing track of components? Annoy yourself no more, with these simple floating windows.Floating Inspector is a useful tool for making your life easier when iterating through objects in the scene. It features a minified version of the inspector to be opened at your convenience.It's as simple as hovering over or selecting an object than pressing "1" on your keyboard. A window will appear below your mouse. This window is your new friend! Offering everything the normal inspector has, you can pin it, drag it around, open as many as you like, and edit individual components fast and efficient.This tool is very effective for users on smaller screens and mouse pad laptops, and even on larger full monitors where moving your mouse around the screen can be quite annoying and take too much time. If you use split screen with a browser, I definitely recommend you use it!Check out the documentation in the Documentation.md file. It will give you a more clear way on using the tool. Also the Demo folder contains various objects with different components you can manipulate.Have fun being faster!Floating inspector that spawns beneath mouse.Floating Hierarchy for quickly opening parent, sibling, or children game objects.Component Hover View for quickly referencing what components that object has.