15 Loops of Battle Music using Far East Taiko Drums. Professionally Recorded and Produced.15 Battle Music Loops, professionally produced, authentic instrumentation using Taiko Drums of the Far East. Perfect for any project that needs this style within their game.TRACKLIST (.WAV, 44.1kHz, 16-bit)A Brief EscapeA Military DanceAll Will FleeCall To Rally TroopsCalmly Approach The EnemyDense FormationDistant Threat ApproachesDrumlinesLet Me Tell You SomethingMadness CallsPractice We ShallShoutoutsSpeed Up The BeatSyncopationsWelcome To The Horizon15 loopable and original. WAV tracks (44.1 kHz and 16-Bit Sample Rate, Stereo)Unlimited Royalty-Free License