UltimateXR is a professional VR and AR framework for Unity. UltimateXR’s goal is to simplify the development of virtual reality applications; from simple prototypes to full AAA-scale projects.Being an XR framework, UltimateXR works with any SRP. Assets that are included contain variants for the built-in render pipeline and the Universal Render Pipeline. HDRP variants will be added in the near future.We decided to make UltimateXR free and open-source because virtual reality is our job but also our passion. We want to help everyone creating VR applications; from indie developers to big companies. We want to assist academies and universities in their quest to teach VR by offering them the tools to do it more easily. We want the result of our work to be available to everyone.But will it be maintained? Of course! It is the backbone of our company, VRMADA. We have been using it every day since 2016 and will continue to do so for years to come. We are determined to make it the best VR framework possible.◼️ Main features:▪️ Free and open-source!▪️ Developed/tested in a professional environment.▪️ Includes full example scene.▪️ Complete webpage with extensive documentation.▪️ Great community!▪️ Cross-device compatibility. Support for all major headsets.▪️ State-of-the-art grab and manipulation mechanics.▪️ Integrated hand pose editor.▪️ Customizable full-body avatar representation with Inverse Kinematics.▪️ Library of gender- and race-agnostic hands with special care on inclusion.▪️ Support for multiple locomotion mechanics.▪️ Advanced UI components including interaction and tweening.▪️ Scalable architecture.▪️ Clean code; fully documented using standard XML format.▪️ Lots of tools, methods and extensions to make development easier.◼️ Avatar features:▪️ Use included avatars or set up a custom avatar using your own 3D model.▪️ Assistant helps going from custom 3D model to full avatar setup with body IK in under 60 seconds.▪️ Body IK support, including finger IK.▪️ Fully supports avatar prefab variants and hand pose inheritance/override.▪️ Bind input controls to hand poses and special actions.◼️ Grab/Manipulation features:▪️ Advanced hand pose editor.▪️ Grabbable object component with real-time grab previewing.▪️ Support for multiple grab points.▪️ Single-handed grabs and two-handed grabs.▪️ Translation/Rotation constraint editor and previewer.▪️ Support to create complex grabbable shapes.▪️ Smooth transitions for better experience.◼️ Locomotion features:▪️ Customizable teleporting component.▪️ Smooth locomotion. Soon improved component!▪️ Scalable system to create new locomotion methods.▪️ Multiple prefabs and assets to create different graphics variations.◼️ VR mechanics:▪️ Weapons module.▪️ Wall-fade. Cheating detection across walls.▪️ Built-in compass to guide user to region of interest.▪️ Extensive haptics components.▪️ LOD integration with LODGroup.▪️ Stereo Reflection/magnification shaders to create mirrors and magnifyers.◼️ UI support:▪️ Interaction using finger tips, laser pointers or gazing.▪️ Seamless integration with Unity UI and TextMeshPro.▪️ Components and code for tweening.▪️ Translate interaction to 3D button push or rotation.▪️ Keyboard integration.◼️ Code:▪️ Well-structured and clean API following Microsoft's C# coding conventions.▪️ Every single element (class/method/property...) is fully documented using standard XML that integrates with your IDE for tooltips and autocompletion.▪️ Organized namespace hierarchy following folder structure.▪️ Huge library of commonly needed utilities: math, animation, splines, mesh generation...▪️ Many .NET framework/Unity class extensions to make your life easier.◼️ Links:WebpageDiscordTwitterGitHub