Auto Mesh - affectors is a set of mesh manipulating tools and effects, allowing you to easily and quickly edit a mesh, to match your needs. it is fully automaticthis system edits the mesh, not the way it is rendered, so it works on all renderer pipelines--- discord --- alekgameshelp2@gmail.com ------ overview ---Do you want to get some smooth shading on your models? Or maybe a fully low poly look? Well look no further, couse with autoMesh - affectors, you can get that with 1 click, by joining/spliting the vertices!Your shader doesnt have double sided feauture? Just click one button, to make the mesh double sided!Want to add a bit of variency to your rocks? With the distortion feature, you can randomly offset meshes vertices, to get that variency in one click!Are your meshes offseted incorrectly? Just move/rotate the pivot with AutoMesh - Affectors!A tool you are using doesnt accept scaled objects, but just meshes (like terrain trees)? Just scale the mesh!The system is operated with an easy to use, user friendly editor window, so you can edit your mesh in seconds!all of the assets features are available in a public class, so you can use them yourself via code--- features ---feature list:- joning vertices- spliting vertices- smoothing vertices pos- double siding- flipping normals- distorting veritces pos- offseting mesh pos/rotation- scaling mesh- optimizing/recalculating mesh info- saving meshesNOTE- Auto Mesh Affectors, doesnt edit UV's. it can copy them, but not recalculate (at least not for now)oh, and one more thing, after buying this asset, you instantly become cool(er).