This is part of a multi pack Fantasy Series, made up of key prefabs per pack, which work great together or standalone! Modular pieces, made in a half realistic, half stylized style.Please Download Shader Graph and Post Processing via the "Package Manager" in your Unity project before using this package. This pack uses custom Shaders which were made using Shader Graph, and will not work without it.This is the fourth pack in my fantasy series, with the first three being Orcs, and Fae (Woodland Elves), and High Elves. Now bringing forth full Dark Elven supply!IMPORTANT: Please Download Shader Graph and Post Processing via the "Package Manager" in your Unity project before using this package.This pack uses custom Shaders which were made using Shader Graph, and will have pink foliage and pink lava pools without it. This pack, like my others, uses Linear lighting, and demo camera uses deffered rendering.Featuring all things caves and underground!Dozens and dozens of caves and rock cliff pieces to make custom caves, without the use for the terrain mesh. All rocks are 2 sided, to allow for multiple channels throughout your cave systems.Combine each of the Fantasy kits for a better general supply to build with.Orcs kit relies on mostly wood.Fae with a great majority of foliage props.High Elves with water pools, magic, and elegant scenery.And Dark Elves with majority of rocks and slabs, stone pieces etc..But these also are made to work great for standalone, giving you the options or choices of buying them all or only 1 or two.This pack is a great standalone for anyone looking to build massive cave systems, even if their game deosn't feature the race of Dark Elves!- 332 Modular Prefabs- 28 grouped FBX files- 2048 res textures- 146 textures- 48 materials- 1 demo scene showcase- A texture style of combined stylized and pbr realismLODS included on all heavy tris pieces. Most with 3 stages of LODs, others with 4.Overal tris count ranges:wood pieces = 12 - 600 trisstone slabs = 190 - 1900 trisstone ruins = 300 - 11k trisHouses Set 1 = 500 - 22k trisHouses Set 2 = 5k - 22k trisHouses Set 3 = 14k - 56k trisplants = 200 - 1200 tristrees and saplings = 1200 - 1800 trisgeneral rocks, cliffs, slabs = 400 - 9k trisgeneral misc props = 12 - 400 trisstatues = 10k - 13k trislarge pillars and details = 1400 - 13k trisIve brought this pack up to 2021.3, so that i could utilize shader graph for use with BiRP.with PBR stylized texturing in a more realistic, less cartoony style.