Gargoyle character asset including rigify used blender file and additional textures and a few trial animations.In package unity standard shader is used but you can use anything you want. So there shouldn't be any compatibility problem.Gargoyle, that can have a sitting position without much deformation. Additional textures, blend file and rigify rigged model also in the package.Models;Packaged has 2 models with different polygon counts.High poly model has 69.192 tris count.Low poly model has 19.720 tris count.There are no major quality differences between them.Textures;It has 1 texture sets/materials, for standard metalic unity shader;Gargoyle textures 4kIt also has standard textures if you want to make changes.Gargoyle Animations;Animations are for place holding and showcase rig, they may not be up to certain animation quality.3 deformation test animations for arms; legs and wings2 sitting pose animations Attack - Flinch5 standing pose animations Attack - Flinch - Wait - Fidget - WalkGargoyle doesn't have a skeletal mesh.Most renders are taken in blender Cycles. But you can see some images from inside Unity too.It is rigged in Blender with rigify with some extra bones, it is easy to use. Rigify rig and the structure of model is not suitable for mecanim afaik (Rigify rig in best case has small amount of scale changes, which also causes problems with mecanim). It has usual quirks that blender and unity creates when mixed together.. (If you have Blender-Unity experience; want to do the rig again in Maya or you are working with Blender for animation and modelling go for it, other way you may face some usual blender-unity workflow problems.)