Large set of industrial hangar tile blocks and related props. Over 100 building pieces, all with LoD variants included, ideal for any game environment.Model and texture assets are compatible with built-in Standard-specular material shader and convertible into HDRP material shader.Large set of industrial hangar tiles and related props. Over one hundred building pieces, all with LoD variants included, ideal for any game environment.All assets are using URP PBR (specular) materials, each mesh has custom Albedo, Specular/Smoothness, Normal and Ambient Occlusion map in lossless 4096 px resolution, ready for any desired downscaling. Prefabs contain individual building blocks and merged variats of multiple blocks together.List of included objects:CablesCeiling LightHangar CeilingHagar FloorMagnetic HookDoor – HangarDoor – SmallForcefieldFire AlarmPanel – Door HangarPanel – OverviewPanel – RampPipe – Thick (Air; Blank; FireFighting; Chemicals; Oil; Water)Pipe – Thick – Valve WheelPipe – Thin (Copper; Red; White)PlatformPlatform RampPlatform StairsPlatform StrutPlatform SupportContainer (Blue; Green; Red)CrateBlueprintsFire ExtinguisherTrash BinPlatform RailingHangar Column – LargeHangar Column – SmallPlatform ColumnHangar WallBarrel (Green; Red)Cap (Blue; Cyan; Green; Magenta; Red; White; Yellow)ComponentContainer (Clean; Dirty)Device (Dark; Lit)Fuel HoseSpaceship Drone CorvusThis package also contains following CoolWorks Studio products:Pipes and CablesSci-Fi Industrial PropsSpace Ship Drone "Corvus"All set up for Universal Scriptable Rendering Pipeline (models and textures are backward compatible with Standard–Specular or convertible into HDRP).300+ textures (up to 4096 x 4096 pixels)Albedo (specular workflow)Ambient OclussionSmoothnessSpecularNormal32 mesh sets (UV mapped) in FBX format (16–47272 triangles), including LoD variantsCeiling Light (10–1676 triangles), 5 LoDsContainer (5131–12958 triangles), 2 LoDsCrate (2354–4928 triangles), 2 LoDsDoor Small (16–3494 triangles), 3 LoDsExtinguisher (128–5896 triangles), 4 LoDsFire Alarm (20–222 triangles), 4 LoDsHangar Ceiling (119–1192 triangles), 3 LoDsHangar Column (6–1770 triangles), 2 LoDsHangar Door (22–396 triangles), 4 LoDsHangar Door Frame (18–1370 triangles), 2 LoDsHangar Floor (2–1710 triangles)Hangar Platforms (4–1536 triangles), 3 LoDsHangar Wall (10–742 triangles), 4 LoDsMagnetic Hook (60–7080 triangles), 4 LoDsPanel Door (252–1652 triangles), 3 LoDsPanel Large (284–2235 triangles), 4 LoDsPanel Ramp (252–1592 triangles), 3 LoDsPlatform Column (36–64 triangles), 2 LoDsPlatform Railing (20–1224 triangles), 4 LoDsTrashBin (20–2174 triangles), 4 LoDsCables (50–5820 triangles), 4 LoDsPipe Thick (80–14312 triangles), 4 LoDsPipe Thin (8–2764 triangles), 4 LoDsBarrel (52–2756 triangles), 6 LoDsCap (116–260 triangles), 2 LoDsComponent (608–1888 triangles), 3 LoDsContainer (572–1144 triangles), 2 LoDsDevice (1796–9164 triangles), 3 LoDsHose (707–16277 triangles), 6 LoDsSpaceship Corvus (3985 triangles)150+ URP PBR (specular) materials250+ prefabs1 environment scene All set up for Universal Scriptable Rendering Pipeline (models and textures are backward compatible with Standard–Specular or convertible into HDRP)