Want access to native iOS Contacts? I knew that you would too. That's why I created this plugin just for me and you. So from now on, you can use it.This native plugin was created for the iOS platform and has an easy wrapper for accessing contacts. You can retrieve all contacts at once, or use a contacts picker for single or multiple contact selection. This plugin allows you to get access to all contact information including:Identifier;Contact Type;Name Prefix;Given Name;Middle Name;Family Name;Previous Family Name;Name Suffix;Nickname;Job Title;Department Name;Organization Name;Postal Addresses;Email Addresses;Url Addresses;Phone Numbers;Social Profiles;Birthday;Dates;Thumbnail Image.Use example scenes to check how easy implementation is.Any Questions? Just contact me.Package include the following features:Retrieve contacts details on iOS;Check Contacts authorization status;Request access to Contacts;Open application settings if Contacts authorization status does not allow you to access contacts;Native iOS Contacts picker for single or multiple contact selection;Filtering Contacts picker results via iOS NSPredicate.