2D bundle providing a multitude of features to create a high quality 2D shooter or platformerHQ 2D Platformer Template:- Customisable movement system- Acceleration / Deceleration- Customisable jump height- Customisable jump amount- Dash ability- Customisable dash force- Crouch system- Grapple hook system- Particle effects- Camera zoom in and out system- Custom cursor system- Customisable Moving Platforms- Lava- Spikes- Patrol Enemy- Agro enemy- Bouncing Enemy- Flying Chase EnemyHQ 2D Endless Shooter Kit:Game Mode:- Enemy spawn system time between spawns and enemy types that spawn can be controlled in the inspector.- Music & Sound effects- Different types of enemies easy to customise such as shooting range how quickly they fire bullets and health.- Random spawning health packsPlayer: (Most features can be disabled and enabled in the inspector)- Customisable movement system- Acceleration / Deceleration- Wall jumping- Customisable jump height- Customisable jump amount- Dash ability- Customisable dash force- Crouch system- Grapple hook system- Particle effects- Camera zoom in and out system- Custom cursor systemShooting system:- Gun prefab- Health system (enemy and player)- Muzzle Flash- Gun shell effect- Enviroment impact effects2D Zombie Shooter Kit:Whether it's for game jam or your own personal projects this pack containing artwork and code contains all the core functionality to help you kickstart your project.Contains High quality pixel art zombies aswell as a character.This package is perfect for a top down shooter and is guarnteed to save you a lot of time. All you need to do is open the demo scene and it contains everything you need to expand upon to create a really cool zombie game.It even contains a customizable damage system and open taking damage the hit effect creates a blood splat. Upon death the zombie makes a sound and leaves behind a permanent blood splat on the ground.An infinite mode is included so the zombis endlessly spawn and will try to kill you. There is an example included that contains health pickups as well as the ability to pick up more ammo.The player can shoot with muzzle flash and a gunshot sound plays. Also there is screenshake whenever you fire a shoot. Holding LMB allows the player to automatically shoot at a fixed rate you can specify. The XP counter allows you to keep track of your score after killing zombies.1x player12x zombie variants