El-Capitan Games Presents; Many of the structures that should be in the medieval castle village are available in this package.Markets, houses, cannons, walls, ships, weapons, food, etc. many more models.Total Fbx Count:41Nature: 11Base: 2Items: 9Farm: 19Total Triangle: 84.392Total Faces: 43.235Atlas Texture Resolution: 256x256Aubergine: 521 trisBarn: 1020 trisBarnHouse: 2657 trisBarrel: 1148 trisBase: 576 trisBucket: 684 trisBucket1: 684 trisBush: 380 trisCabbage:1972 trisCarrot: 506 trisCart: 4108 trisCorn: 2892 trisTree: 588 trisTreeBig: 588 trisCylinderHayBale: 908 trisDirtFx: 236 trisFarmMill: 3496 trisFenceNormal: 600 trisFenceLong: 1920 trisFenceShort: 300 trisFenceWithDoor: 1778 trisFoodContainer: 124 trisGardenFan: 1002 trisGrassPiece: 720 trisHarrow: 628 trisHarrow2: 852 trisHayBale: 1260 trisMetalWaterCase: 492 trisOnion: 394 trisOutFence: 1412 trisPumpkin: 1452 trisScythe: 184 trisShovel: 304 trisTower: 1852 trisTractor: 4496 trisTractorCase: 2836 trisWaterBucket: 1300 trisWaterWell: 13762 trisWoodLog: 428 tris