The package contains a variety of modular Exterior 3D assets with their textures and HDRP materials which are optimized for VR and other low to medium polygon use.This package was tested in Unity 6 successfully. Upgrading HDRP versions may cause a bug that makes certain upgraded materials "disappear". i.e. Decals. Do not worry. All you need to do is select the material and expose its properties on the inspector. Usually that is enough to trigger recomputing of the material. If not, make a minor change and undo it. The material will "magically" reappear.The asset name says it all. Streets of London.The models were created based on historical photos and represent mainly typical middle and low class London architecture from early 20th century. (1910-1930) There is a variety of props such as light posts, mail box, walls, doors, windows, railings, ballustrades, as well as a couple of iconic buildings purely for background use, such as the Battersea Power Station, Westminster Victoria Tower, and of course, the iconic "Big Ben"(Westminster Clock Tower) with movable digits.A car you may see in promo shots is **NOT** included.Attribution Info:"Ford Model B Pickup (1932)" (https://skfb.ly/6VCzK) by Voronin_37 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The building modules are created on a 3mx3m 2D grid. Some of them stack.They are exteriors Only.Building modules are Tile Texture mapped with a 2mx2m boxAll 3D assets are provided as FBX with Automatic Lightmap Unwrapping.This may raise some false "overlapping" flags.This goes away as you increase lightmap resolution.All Building Modules are super low poly ranging from 120 to 550 triangles each.There are no LODs.The textures have been created using Substance Painter or Substance Sampler.The 3D assets will work in any Unity version that supports HDRP, the scene and materials were originally created using HDRP 10.2.2 in Unity 2020.2.2f1 and updated to 2021.3.0f1 LTS. They were copy pasted without any issues in 2019.4.39f1 and 2020.3.37f1 that was used for the final asset packaging and submission and have been tested in later versions too. Simply by copying and pasting the entire folder.Prefabs have been created for everything.Nested Prefabs are used for the versions that support nested prefabs.The project was created using HDRP however Texture Support is there for URP and Built-In rendering. (See relevant Textures Subfolder)*** Please Note ***Although it does not matter as it is just a sample, the Demo Scene will Not necessarily Work in different Unity Versions. BUT you can create a Prefab out of the "Demo Scene" and exports as a package that will work between the latest supported LTS versions. It has been tested and working with zero effort. Any changes you may do in the Demo Scene will be OVEWRITTEN by newer demo files that will include new example buildings.Almost all textures are 2K. The size of some Textures has been reduced in the engine for optimization purposes. Feel free to restore them to full size for your needs.The Demo scene and HDRP configuration performs at 90fps on a Nvidia 2070 RTX.The Demo scene performs at 60FPS on a Nvidia 2070 RTX in Unity 6.