A collection of +65 prefabs of high quality light models including volumetric light profiles.The asset materials and scenes included are designed for the built-in pipeline. Use the Rendering Pipeline Converter to convert the Built-in materials to the URP materials. Here's more information about the Rendering Pipeline Converter: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@12.0/manual/features/rp-converter.htmlImportant: Volumetric Lights asset is required to show the volumetric lighting effect. Purchase it here.This asset contains +65 high quality lighting models (including 3 LODs for exterior lights) plus volumetric light profiles, organized in the following categories:- Construction set.- Interior house.- Interior office.- Marine style.- Medieval lights.- Modern street lights.- Vintage street lights.Need something specific? Contact us!** Compatibility **- Built-in pipeline (Unity 2020.3 or later)- URP (Unity 2021.3 or later)Sample scenes and included materials designed for the built-in pipeline. Use the Pipeline Converter to migrate materials to URP.Check out our other assets.Support Forum- 67 ready to use prefabs.- Each prefab contains the light gameobject (with LOD group depending on light type) plus a volumetric light child gameobject.- All models use the standard shader (can be migrated to URP Lit).- Materials can include albedo, metallic, normal map, heightmap and occlusion textures.- 91 textures of 512x512 size each.- 3 LOD levels in exterior lights.- Triangle count vary, based on model and LOD, ranging from 400 to 5K triangles.- 130 meshes including LODs.