125 PBR Materials ready to use !
Add Texture to your Terrain !The Materials in the download are Built-In Standard Shader MaterialsThe Texture files are 2048x2048 .png files for the maps :diffusemetallic-smoothnessnormalheightambientocclusionPackaged for the Built-In Pipeline125 PBRTerrain MaterialsGrassland2048 x 2048 Seamless Tiling Texture Files with all PBR maps for the for the Standard Built-In shader.Texture files for : - Diffuse - Metallic - Smoothness - Normal - Height - Ambient OcclusionA good variety of materials for a grassland temperate biome including : Grass Dry Grass Soil Dirt Mixed Grass and Dirt Mud Rocks Gravel Stone Paths Leaves Weeds Flowers Clovers2048 x 2048 resolutionMaterials, Textures with all maps for PBRPBR Standard Shaderdiffusemetal - smoothnessnormalheightambient occlusion