I wanted to put some rainbow in my editor, so I created this tool.Personally, after many days, I got used to the color of the 'playmode' which remains static and boring. So I wanted to add an RGB effect to this one to make it more fun and original.If you want to support me or just give a tip, you can follow this link: https://paypal.me/perotnicolas?country.x=FR&locale.x=fr_FR- How to have this beautiful effect?This script only work in the editor and not in a build (of course).The script uses the DontDestroyAndLoad function, so if your launch scene has the RainbowPlaymodeTint script, it persists through the scenes.Method 1:It's easy, you can click on the tool bar on Tools -> Rainbow Playmode Tint Window, next you can change two differents variables. (Default value is ok, don't worry. High-speed value can cause epileptic seizures.)the change speed color (Default: 0.05f) and the start color (Default: 255 128 128 255).Method 2:Create an empty GameObject and add the component name RainbowPlayModeTint or drag and drop it. (Location: : Project Window Assets -> RainbowPlayModeTint -> Script.)Now you just need to click on Play button and that it!If you have issues with the script, maybe it's due to a new Unity version (Tested with Unity 2020.3.17f1) or conflict with others script.Created by PEROT Nicolas: https://nicolas-perot.go.yj.fr/ the 28/09/2022 with Unity 2020.3.17f1Help with this forum for search the field of Playmode Tint in the Assembly: https://answers.unity.com/questions/759634/unity-editor-playmode-tint-change-by-script.html