This asset pack contains a template for a cute 2D platformer that you can easily expand upon.Every character within this project is animated and easy to swap out any of the artwork for some of your own.We have included many features for you to create a 2D game present in this project. All code is easy to understand and adjust values as you need.List of features:Player - move,jump and animatedPortals - teleport any objectEnd of level portal - spawn in a panel allowing you to swap levelMain menu - Play & Quit buttonSwiming - Ability allowing the player to swim and move on the Y axisPatrol Enemies - Move along platforms and detect when they are going to reach the edge and swap direction.Moving Platforms - Customisable points to move between and custom speed.Jumpads - launch objects with a certain tag into the airAgro enemy - Detect and chase player when in range will stop once you leave area. Animations for agro enemy idle and chasing.Wind zones - add a force to the player when you go near to travel in the air.