Infohazard.Core is a collection of systems and utilities that I’ve found super helpful in making many different kinds of games, so I hope you find it helpful too!In order to run the demos, you'll want to use your render pipeline tools to convert the materials in these folders:Assets/Plugins/Infohazard/Demos/Infohazard.Core/MaterialsAssets/Plugins/Infohazard/Demos/Shared Demo Assets/MaterialsThis package contains a bunch of different systems and utilities that add various bits of functionality I feel is generally helpful to have in Unity. I've built these systems working on various game projects such as Astral Horizon. Most of the functionality in this package should be useful in general cases, from shooters to RPGs to puzzle games to things that aren't even games! The functionality ranges from very simple, common operations like changing one component of a vector, to complex math like solving polynomials. The library should work on any platform Unity supports, but if you find that it doesn't, let me know and I'll do what I can to help out!Infohazard.Core is also available in as an open-source github repository. I would definitely welcome any contributions!You can find more information and documenation here. Video tutorials are available here.For questions or suggestions, email me at infohazard.games@gmail.com, or join the Infohazard Games Discord: https://discord.gg/V2jTnpS8zZ.The main features of the package are:Edit referenced object properties and create ScriptableObjects in the inspector without changing context.Easy-to-use object pooling system to reduce memory allocations, with integration for Addressables to pool Addressable prefabs and manage them more easily.Pause system that helps avoid common errors related to setting Time.timeScale.A system to use GameObject tags in your code and assign them in the inspector without typing a string.A unique object name system to enable objects to reference each other across scenes, without having to type their names.Tons of helpful math utilities, such as solving polynomials up to degree 4.Much more miscellaneous functionality!