This package is made to help you to create an immersive atmosphere in games and media with music.no other packageThis package containt 24 audio clips, and two mesh radio, to help you in the creation of your game or application. Sequences are made to be short or long as you need and easy to make loops. This clips can can be used to create a particular ambience or for action. All you can add this is your imagination. Many thematics and ambience are include like some dystopian atmosphere or pleasant melody for some walkthrow.-Meshes. Radio Classic: polygon count 1666 1 Material, 3 Textures, size 2048x2048. Radio Modern: polygon count 1944, 6 Materials 6 Materials, 12 Textures, size 2048x2048-Sounds 24 Audio Clips Wav 48 KHZ 16 bits, Loopable: Yes, Stereo· AdvetureLandscape· BreakingSound· CityBreak· DailyRoutine· DamedCity· DisturbingSound· DoomDay· DystopianPanorama· FogDamaged· Garden House· Green Sunset· Hall of Damned· MoreAdventure· NoSpeach· Patience I· Patience II· PeacefulTime· RoadTOSpain· RythmFromGarage· ShortGuitar· SlowAmbience· Stand Rhythm· SweetEscape· TimeToGo