An easy to use highlight system that lets you highlight objects using custom made materials through simple function calls or editor events. Also includes various triggers to control highlight states.Built-in RP support requires atleast Unity 2021.2 or newer (for shader graph support).URP and HDRP support tested and working on any Unity version from 2020.3 or newer.*Supports URP and HDRP on Unity 2020.3 or newer.**Supports built-in render pipleine on Unity 2021.2 (requires ShaderGraph package).*To use this package with the built-in render pipeline do not forget to install the 'Shader Graph' package found in 'Package Manager --> Unity Registry --> Shader Graph'.Highlight Features:Highlight one or many Renderers using one Highlightable component.Local scale independent line thickness for nested Renderers (Optional).Makes a uniform scale outline around all nested Renderers regardless of scale.Supports Built-In, High Definition, and Universal render pipelines.Single shader graph for all render pipelines.Selection Features:Powerful object selection system that supports various click-to-select modes, grid selection that works with gamepads and more. (Selection system supports hover-over and selection states)Click to select (use Unity events and public methods to create modes such as toggle selection on click, left mouse to select right mouse to deselect, and more.)Grid selection - perfect for gamepads, lets you divide a sset of SelectableObjects into rows and columns perfect for controller style selection, highly customizable selection overflow modes (limit, wrap, next/last row etc).Gamepad/arrow keys style selection supported.Powerful Unity editor event integration. This asset provides Unity editor events for almost any situation you could imagine giving you the power to string together events in the editor to quickly string together behaviours in your game or write code to subscribe to these events in your own scripts to customize the system in anyway you see fit.Simple setup.Looking to highlight your object(s)? Just add a Highlightable component and specify which Renderers it should highlight. The Highlightable component will automatically add any Renderer on the same GameObject as itself, since you may not always want them added you simply reference child Renderers yourself by clicking-and-dragging in the Editor.Optionally use the provided helper components like HighlightOnTrigger to toggle highlight state.Two simple methods to highlight or unhighlight from code, Highlightable.Highlight() and Highlightable.Unhighlight().Use these methods in conjunction with Unity Editor events to easily change highlight state.Looking to make objects selectable? Check out the ObjectSelector and SelectableObject components as well as a driver component such as the GridSelectionDriver. See the provided demo scene for an example of mouse-pointer and gamepad integration of these components.Well documented. comes with a demo scene, hand-written documentation, and a generated API reference.FAQ:After importing the package into a project on the High Definition or Universal highlighted objects appear purple.This happens when Unity is choosing the wrong 'Target' in the provided shader. In your project goto 'HighlightSystem/Shared Resources/Shader Graphs/HighlightShaderGraph.shadergraph', double click it and select the appropriate target in the 'Graph Inspector' 'Target Settings' field in the shader graph editor.Optionally you may choose to remove unused pipeline targets if you wish.Other Assets:Active Ragdolls - A non-restrictive, simple, and lightweight solution to active ragdolls in Unity. Bring you game AI to life, make them respond to physical forces in the world.Conversations - A complete solution to conversations in all types of Unity games, from simple NPC conversations to full on visual novels.Fade Effects - A complete fade effects solution for Unity (screen fade, object fade, fade camera obstructions, & more!)Damage System - An advanced damage and weapon system for your game.Game Movement - A fully-featured, modular movement system for almost any kind of game.Editor Physics Simulator - Simulate and record physics in the editor.Editor Animation Freezer - Freeze Animators at a specific frame in an animation.Console Commands & UI - Console commands & UI panels for Unity.Documentation:API referenceDocumentation*Do not hesitate to email questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments to intuitivegamingsolutions@gmail.com*Built-in RP support requires atleast Unity 2021.2 or newer (for shader graph support).URP and HDRP support tested and working on any Unity version from 2020.3 or newer.Clickable system that is included supports both legacy and new Unity inpuit system.