Astrofish Games Presents:
A DETAILED - Halloween Props kit. As part of our DETAILED Environment Series.
Village, Dungeon & Castle also available!With this pack you can:Create some killer Halloween scenes!Join us! Let's build stuff togetherDiscord | Youtube | TwitterThis pack includes:A wide selection of Halloween props.All assets in the trailer and screenshots are included in the pack.An Astrofish Games Discord has been set up and we are actively building a community of like-minded creators. It would be great to meet you!Key Features -- 73 Halloween Prefabs- Pumpkins- Magic props- Graveyard props- Foliage props- Ground assembly propsDemo ScenesWe have included a demo scene displaying all the prefabs.TricountProps LOD0 examples:Bench: 1152 trianglesPumpkin: 422 trianglesZombie Hand: 308 trianglesTexturesThis kit uses the Standard shader to texture all of the static architectural assets and props.All static meshes are UV mapped though do not include bespoke UV2 maps for Lightmapping. This will need to be build in the .FBX settings.Most if not all textures are 4096x4096 and if not appropriate for very small props; they may be 2048x2048.We don't use any clever bespoke shaders to keep things as simple as possible; just Unity standard built-in shader.Texture format is .Tiff in the following composition:1. Albedo(RGB) Alpha (A)2. Metalness (M) Roughness (A) Ambiant Occlusion (B)3. Normal (RGB)