Active Ragdolls - Animation & Balancing
Intuitive Gaming Solutions
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An active ragdoll creation tool that converts your plain old ragdolls into animated ragdolls with a balance loss and recovery system. Turn boring AI into reactive physics-driven AI in a few clicks.Works with all render pipelines (as it does no rendering) and all input systems (requires no inputs).Why choose Active Ragdolls from Intuitive Gaming Solutions?Active Ragdolls takes a slightly different approach from other solutions allowing even more interaction between the world and the active ragdoll.Specifically, although pinning bones is supported, by default no bones are explicitly pinned to the skeleton allowing world forces to move the active ragdoll freely.Active Ragdoll Features:🎯Fully IK while not affected by external forces giving perfect animation syncing.🌪️Outstanding force-based animation matching giving top notch animation syncing while being impacted by external physical forces.1️Only 1 component required (ActiveHumanoidRagdoll) for setup with a handy setup wizard.✔️Highly modifiable, tunable, and customizable.🔐Option to use no joint limits while not off-balance or the existing ragdoll joint limits.Balance System Features:🤸♂️ActiveHumanoidBalancer component allows active ragdolls to be knocked over and get back up. (Get ups may be interrupted.)🧮Center of mass & center of balance calulation.⚙️Customize get up time, get up delay, loss of balance threshold and much more.🧭Detect trip direction and the optimum pose to get up from. (Get Up System in Beta)🧈Optionally blend from tripping animations into ragdoll on loss of balance easily using a seconds to ragdoll delay and trip direction detection.⚖️Define which bones contribute to balance. (i.e: ankles, feet, and thighs for bipeds or the same plus arm bones for things that walk on 4 legs.)Integration With Other Assets:💎EmeraldAI - Comes with a component that adds Active ragdolls integration to EmeraldAI and instructions for integrating death ragdolls for Emerald AI with Active Ragdolls. (Does not come with Emerald AI)Planned Features:🤕ActiveHumanoidSelfPreservation component will generate procedural animation targets based on the active humanoids situation to attempt to prevent injury as a real human would . (Attempt to cover head on falls, clutch major injuries, and more.)Lightweight. Active Ragdolls is an extremely lightweight solution taking advantage of built-in Unity features for ragdolls and joints to create an easy to configure and highly modifiable solution that works well with other assets. No need to define overly complex skeletal muscles and joints.Powerful Unity editor event integration. This asset provides Unity editor events for almost any situation you could imagine giving you the power to string together events in the editor to quickly string together behaviours in your game or write code to subscribe to these events in your own scripts to customize the system in anyway you see fit.Simple setup. Just use the built-in Ragdoll wizard that comes with unity and the one-click Active Humanoid Setup Wizard that comes with this package to get started in under 5 minutes.Well documented. comes with a demo scene, hand-written documentation, and a generated API reference.Other Assets:Conversations - A complete solution to conversations in all types of Unity games, from simple NPC conversations to full on visual novels.Fade Effects - A complete fade effects solution for Unity (screen fade, object fade, fade camera obstructions, & more!)Damage System - An advanced damage and weapon system for your game.Game Movement - A fully-featured, modular movement system for almost any kind of game.Editor Physics Simulator - Simulate and record physics in the editor.Documentation:API referenceDocumentation*Do not hesitate to email questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments to intuitivegamingsolutions@gmail.com*Performs no rendering, supports all render pipelines.Requires no input system to function.*Demos are generally provided to support both the Legacy input system and the new input system however there is no input system specific code in the Active Ragdoll system itself.*