⚡ This is an electric vehicles pack which contains different vehicle types such as: sedan, compact, SUV, truck, prototype and more!.URP Compatibility: Once you have imported this asset to your project, select all the materials of ARCADE: Electric Vehicles Pack and then go to Edit > Rendering > Materials > Convert Selected Built-In Materials to URP. Now you'll see that all cars have the correct materials.🌱 Recharge your batteries, buckle up and reach new horizons with this electric vehicles pack!Detailed information:It contains 20 ELECTRIC VEHICLES.5 colors for each vehicle (100 vehicle variations).Prefabs with/without colliders included.Vehicles use 2 materials.Texture atlas (512px * 512px).Perfect for third-person racing games and top-down games.It works with any car controller.In this pack you will find the following vehicles types:Sedan.SUV.Trucks.Compact.Formula.GT.Muscle.Prototypes.Complete your ARCADE collection:ARCADE: Ultimate Vehicles Pack.ARCADE: Retro Super Cars.Any question please contact: contact@mena-assets.comNumber of textures: 6.Texture dimensions: 512px * 512px, 1024px * 1024px.Polygon count: 3100 - 5800 triangles per vehicle.Number of meshes: 21.Number of prefabs: 42.UV mapping: Yes.LOD: No.Types of materials: Standard.