This Action Pack contains with sup surfup game Animations. player Avatar with Board performs 25 Game animations.This Animation Pack works with every version of unity,It has humanoid and Generic Animations format flexibility.you can easily replace with your custom avatar.package contains Fbx files and Png files.optimized for mobile games.Avatar Details:This avatar comes with Humanoid joint setupall the parts of the body mesh made seperately to control customizationbody mesh parts:sunglasses: Verts: 90 Trires: 154 Texture size:1kTshirt : Verts:324 Trires: 632 Texture size:1kFace01: Verts: 1190 Trires:2320 Texture size:1kBody : Verts:317 Trires:608 Texture size:2kShot: Verts:188 Trires:356 Texture size:1kSleeveless : Verts:310 Trires:554 Texture size:1kAll The textures comes with Albedo, metalic,normal MapsBoard ,PeddaleBoard Mesh : Verts 11236 Treis 21802peddale: verts 338 , tries 650Textures:Made in 2k Size, texture comes with Albedo, Normal, metalic, Height,Roughness maps.Rig:universal Humanoid Rig setup comes with 70 Joints overall for the skinAnimations:Crossbow_180Crossbow_Shift180Nosedrive Backhand Shift 360Nosedrive_BackhandShiftCrossbow_180Sweep Backhand Transition 360Rapid_ShiftTarasko Shiftfalls,idles,RowingLeft, RowingRight,greet, victory,Run, walk extc..all together 25+ actions were animatedClick on video to check the animations