A FBX toolkit that create/load FBX from/into Mesh at runtime or in editor.The demo is written in builtin-RP but the function of RuntimeFbx should work on any render pipeline.Provide programming support tocreate fbx file from a Mesh at runtimeload fbx file into a Mesh at runtimeContent includesClass library that provide programming APIruntime demoeditor demoWorks in various environmentSupport both runtime and editorSupport all system that is compatible with .NETStandard 2.1+Support Unity 2021.2+*Material, Animation and Skinmesh(BlendShape) support are under development and will be available in RuntimeFBX Pro.*----------------------Third-PartyRuntimeFbx uses1. SharpZipLib under MIT license2. DragDropHandler.cs under Public Domain3. icons from flaticon and freepic under Free License with attributionSee Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Featurescreate fbx file from a Mesh at runtimeload fbx file into a Mesh at runtimeSupported OSAll systems and platforms that are compatible with .NETStandard 2.1+Documentationhttps://zwcloud.net/#project/RuntimeFbx