Import the package into your URP/Built-In project. In the "Materials" folder, select all materials and go to the "Inspector" window. Under "Shader" choose "Universal Render Pipeline/Lit". Now assign the respective textures from the Folder "Textures/URP-Standard" to the material.Balustrade Modular Pack created in lowpoly with 62 objects and two Texture-Sets (Stone & Marble). Package contains:12 Rails with Balusters (Variation 1)12 Rails with Balusters (Variation 2)12 90° Curved-Rails with Balusters (Variation 1)12 90° Curved-Rails with Balusters (Variation 2)5 Pillars (Variation 1)5 Pillars (Variation 2)4 Tops (only for Pillars V1)Create your own prefabs by combining individual objects with each other. (see Tutorial.pdf).Important: Only combine V1 Balusters with V1 Pillars. Otherwise there will be optical blemishes.Topology LOD0: 468716 TrisTopology LOD1: 231960 TrisTopology LOD2: 16827 TrisPBR Textures (Standard/URP):3x Albedo Map (4096x4096)3x Normal Map (4096x4096)3x Metallic/Smoothness Map (4096x4096)3x Ambient Occlusion Map (4096x4096)PBR Textures (HDRP):3x Basecolor Map (4096x4096)3x Normal Map (4096x4096)3x Mask Map (4096x4096)Mesh: .fbx FormatTextures: .tiff FormatPLEASE RATE THE PRODUCT IF YOU LIKE IT. THANKS!!!