LineBuildTool is a tool for creating Build MeshLineBuildTool can be used for building walls, floor windows and door openings, as well as building stairs. On ChildLine, it can also realize spline grid drawing and array placement of objects.When I have time, I will try to fix errors and expand more functionsE-mail2568041052@qq.comwebsitehttps://xianyu1248.github.io/LineBuildTool includes a BuildLine, which can be used to edit line segments to create the walls, floors, and openings for doors and windows of buildingsLineBuildTool includes a StatisTool, which can generate multiple stairs by setting parameters, and generate segment data according to the stair pathLineBuildTool includes a ChildLine, which can be clipped and offset on the basis of the parent line segment to generate new line segments. On the new line segment, you can draw mesh and array objects