Alteruna Multiplayer is a free, fast SDK and hosted multiplayer service. Easy to get started, easy to set up without coding, easy to extend functionality. It has a free plan, no subscription required!Discord | guide | API-documentation | More linksAlteruna Multiplayer SDK is a free package for the Alteruna Multiplayer Service. The package bridges the gap between the complexity of real-time network programming and the artistry of creators in all disciplines.No subscription will be needed and you can develop and test your game at no cost. The multiplayer service is cross-platform, scalable, and unlimited to concurrent users (CCU), rooms, room hours, and sessions.More versions and info on the Alteruna Multiplayer website. Registering on our website allows you to configure more about your experience and gives you access to more versions of our SDK.The SDK setup and use are easy. No network coding is required. There is no server setup, click and connect, that is all. The multiplayer functionality is component-based, just drag and drop them into your project. It is also easy to extend the package and create new components.Methods of synchronizing data: Field synchronization, Method synchronization, Synchronized classes (Synchronizables), and Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).Features:Automatic player representationAutomatic player spawningObject spawning and despawningSynchronized transformsSynchronized physicsInput lag compensationNetwork LODPlayer lobbyText chatPersistent storageFree cloud service and serverUnlimited concurrent users (CCU)Unlimited roomsUnlimited room hoursUnlimited session lengthThe Alteruna Multiplayer Service is a platform- and application independent, scalable, high performance, and packaged all-in-one cloud solution for developing, deploying, and running multiplayer games.Support: We are happy to help you with your multiplayer games!We have an online guide for setup and development.See our API-documentation for more technical information and examples.You can watch a video preview of how to use the package.Join our Discord chat for more help and chat with other game developers.Email us Alteruna supportFEATURESField synchronizationMethod synchronizationSynchronized classes (Synchronizables)Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)Automatic player representationAutomatic player spawningObject spawning and despawningSynchronized transformsSynchronized physicsInput lag compensationNetwork LODPlayer lobbyText chatPersistent storageFree cloud service and serverUnlimited concurrent users (CCU)Unlimited roomsUnlimited room hoursUnlimited session lengthSUPPORTED OSWindows, MacOS, Linux, Playstation, Android, OSX and all other OS supported by UnityLINK TO DOCUMENTATIONWe have an online guide for setup and development.See our API-documentation for more technical information and examples.There is a video preview of how to use the package.A Discord chat for more help and chat with other game developers.Email form at Alteruna support.