FPS Door Kit is an easy to use kit which is used to create various interaction types with doors. This kit features 6 door interaction types.This asset is not compatible with URP/HDRP as the Post Processing effects work differently there.Kit Features :--➤ Normal Door :- This is a simple door that comes with both one way and two way door system.-➤ Hold Key Door :- This is a door that opens by holding a key and comes with both one way and two way door system.-➤ Key Door :- This is a door that uses a key to unlock door and it comes in three types (One simple and other two with animations). It also comes with both one way and two way door system.-➤ Keypad Door :- This is a door that uses a keypad to open and comes with both one way and two way door system.-➤ Padlock Door - This is a door that uses a padlock to open and comes with both one way and two way door system.-➤ Keycard Door :- This is a door that uses keycard to unlock door and it comes in two types (One simple and other with animation). It also comes with both one way and two way door system.If you want to make your Unity Inspector Dynamic check out my FREE Stylize C# Script asset.If you have any suggestions or face any problems using this kit you can contact me through email I will be happy to help :)You must install Post Processing from the Package Manager before importing this asset.