A historically authentic coach gun (shotgun) from the mid 19th century.Prefabs use URP Materials, however Standard RP Materials are also included!This is a historically authentic model of an old coach gun, a double barreled shotgun used for defending stagecoaches - hence the name.Package contains 3 "skins":"Old": An old rusty rifle."Common": A used look but in good condition."Common Var2": A used look but in good condition.Also with this package comes two types of shotgun shell models (used and unused), a prefab with a sample animation, and a guide document for historically authentic use in your project.Prefabs are "game dev friendly", with movable parts (hammers, triggers, lever, barrel, ejector).Number of textures:Gun: 3 × 5 (Albedo + AO + Normal + Metallic + URP Mask)Cartridge: 5 (Albedo + AO + Normal + Metallic + URP Mask)Texture dimensions:Gun: 2048 × 2048Cartridge: 1024 × 1024Polygon count:Gun total: 3428 trisShotgun shell used: 192 trisShotgun shell unused: 192 trisNumber of prefabs:Coachgun "Old" versionCoachgun "Common" version 1Coachgun "Common" version 2Rifle sample animationShotgun shell "Unused"Shotgun shell "Used"UV mapping: YesLOD: NonePBR Materials:Coachgun "Old" versionCoachgun "Common" version 1Coachgun "Common" version 2Shotgun shell