Low poly, game-ready, rigged, and animated Girl characterLow poly, game-ready, rigged, and animated Girl character with 3 Material variationsThe model has 27.879 triangles.2K Textures - Color, Height, Normal, Ambient occlusion, Roughness, MetallicThe package includes 3 Prefabs with different materials. All Prefab has 2 materials. For dress and for skinThe package includes 15 animations.Development Render Pipeline: Built-InYou can easily convert materials to other Render Pipelines standard shaders!The character is set up as a Humanoid rig and will work with other animation packages from the unity store.ANIMATIONS LIST:IdleClimb upFall LoopJumpJump overRollRoll BackwardRoll LeftRoll RightRunRun backRun lean LeftRun Lean RightTurn LeftTurn RightDevelopment Render Pipeline: Built-InRigged: YesAnimated: YesNumber of Prefabs: 3Vertex Count: 14.358Triangle Count: 27.879Number of Textures: 12 /PrefabTexture Resolutions: 2048x2048Number of Materials: 2 / PrefabNumber of Animations: 15 / PrefabUV mapping: Yes