Noises is an asset that adds a new library that contains 13 classes, each responsible for a different type of noise.Noises is an Asset which adds the new SUHARIK.Noises library, which contains 13 classes, each responsible for a different type of noise. The classes have their own parameters, such as Seed, Octaves (for perlin-like noises), Region amount (for voronoi noises), and so on. The convenience of this asset is that all noise is managed by a single instance of the class, from which we can get both a two-dimensional array of pixels and the noise texture itself.P. S. I will gladly accept ideas on how to improve the asset :)Asset size - 568.1 KB.Files count - 6.Includes:2 Documentations (in English and Russian),1 Demo scene,2 Script,1 Materials,