This Action Pack contains with Basketball game Animations. player Avatar with Ball performs 60 Game animationsThis Animation Pack works with every version of unity,It has humanoid and Generic Animations format flexibility.you can easily replace with your custom avatar.package contains Fbx files and Png files.optimized for mobile games.Avatar Details:SunGlasses: Tris-154,Verts-90 Texture size:1kShoe:Tris-516,Verts-262 Texture size:1kT_shirt:Tris-632,Verts-324 Texture size:1kFace_2:Tris-876,Verts-446Short:Tris-388,Verts-202Baniyan:Tris-564,Verts-310 Texture size:1kFace_1:Tris-2320,Verts-1190 Texture size:1kCap:Tris-704,Verts-367 Texture size:1kFoot:Tris-352,Verts-186 Texture size:2kLegs:Tris-548,Verts-287Body_Cut:Tris-608,Verts-317Hands_1:Tris-224,Verts-128Hands_2:Tris-1824,Verts-922Ball:Tris-156,Verts-80 texture page 512Total_Mesh_Count:Tris-9866,Verts-5111Textures:Made in 2k Size, texture comes with Albedo, Normal, metalic, Height,Roughness maps.Rigs: the Rig setup comes with 70 Joints overall for the skinhumanoid rig structure followed.Basic volleyball net also added in this pack ,Model poly count ,3440 tries, 1460 vertsTexture comes in 2k Size, texture comes with Albedo, Normal, metalic, Height,Roughness maps.volly ball also added with 2k texture page, 4272 tries, 2322 vertsAnimations LIst:idle, spiking attempts, bump, diving, anticipation, high, high side,jump, run, sprints, side arm service, snap shot, floating service, one leg take off, round arm service,underhand pass,tap shot Extc..overall 60 actions you get from this pack.Note: Ball animated only demo purpose.please click the video to watch animation visuals.