Prime Tile is a collection of tools for tile-based games: Flow Fields, Footprints, Ray Casts, Boids, and more.
Integer-based for speed and determinism.
Uses Jobs & Burst for additional performance.PrimeTile is a collection of tools for making tile-based 2D and Top-Down games.-- Primary Features:---- Flow Field: All-To-One pathing across a map. Calculated with Jobs and Burst for high performance. A set of FlowFields can be used together to allow agents to go anywhere without calculating paths.---- RayCast: Iterates over all tiles between two given tiles. Can be used with Flow Fields to allow agents to get anywhere on a map.---- CircleCast: Iterates over all tiles in a circle.---- Footprint: A set of tile-offsets. Allows a set of characters or objects to exist on a tile-grid while having different sizes and shapes.---- MoveDirection: Defines 8-way movement in PrimeTile. Contains optimized methods that work with Burst vectorization.---- MapSource: A map source can find the walkable / unwalkable areas on your map. There are 3 types: Layout, Texture, TopDownPhysics.-- Contains 9 demos, 6 of which implemet FlowFields for pathfinding:---- No Collision: Simplest implementation---- Footprint: Agents exist on a tile grid (like chess) but they can be one of a variety of shapes or sizes---- Boids: Agents use flocking mechanics---- TopDown Physics: Agents use Unity Physics and forces to move around---- TileMap: Uses Unity2D-TileMaps to generate Flow Fields---- Platformer: Uses 2D XY set-up instead of the standard top-down XZ-- Contains 4 other demos, showing use of other bits and pieces of PrimeTileEverything is Unity-based so all OS are supported.Documention for Demos and Core scripts are included in those folders.Unity.Collections - 1.4.0Unity.Burst - 1.6.6Unity.Mathematics - 1.2.6