This Action Pack contains with skateboard game Animations. skateboard player Avatar (custom looks) with a skateboard ( 5 different looks) performs 40 Game animations.This Animation Pack works with every version of unity,It has humanoid and Generic Animations format flexibility.you can easily replace with your custom avatar.package contains Fbx files and Png files.optimized for mobile games.Avatar Details:you can customaze this avatar in to diffrent looks, 2 heads, 2 dress variations, with cap , 2 helmets, shirt, sleeveless, without shirt, pant, shorts..many diffrent ways.all you need to do is on and off the mesh render.SunGlasses:Tris-154,Veerts-90Jeans:Tris-556,Verts-286Shoe_1:Tris-848,Verts-440Shoe_2:Tris-516,Verts-262T_Shirt:Tris-632,Verts-324Baniyan:Tris-564,Verts-310Face_1:Tris-2320,Verts-1190Face_2:Tris-876,Verts-446Short:Tris-388,Verts-202Helmet_Skate:Tris-1008,Verts-516Pant_2:Tris-650,Verts-337Cap:Tris-704,Verts-367Helmet_Scooty:Tris-524,Verts-269Kneegaps:Tris-4048,Verts-2082Total_Mesh_Count:Tris-19436,Verts-10017Texture:commonly all the seperate outfits and body parts made in 1k texture size,each texture page comes with smooth metalic, albedo, normal mapsoverall the avatar has 11 texture pages..including all diffrent looks of the avatarRig Details:this player Rig setup comes with 70 Joints overall for the skinAnimations List:Trick01- Hippy_Jump02- BeanPlant03- Pop_Shove_it04- Throw_Down05- One_Footed_Shuvit06- TicTac07- One_Footed_Kickflip08- Frontside 18009- BS Boardslide10- BS 180 Ollie11- SlideShove12- Rolling of a curb13- Board Pickup14- BibelHeimerAngry, voctory, push, revert, revert turn, fall, idles, fremoves extc..all together 40 game animations added.click on video to check the animations.