The leaniest and most efficient Audio System on the market to: play, crossfade and mix tracks on various layers.
Low memory footprint and extremly fast. No runtime allocations once warmed up.The package provides few sample MonoBehaviors that demonstrate how it can be used, but they would be efficient in game code. If you are a programmer by trade or not, you should have enough example to replicate in your own code how to trigger your sounds and setup your layers without thinking about the performance.The mindset behind the architecture is extensibility and injection based. Which means that most of the classes functions are virtual, fields or properties are protected instead of private. This way classes can be extended or modified without too much effort.Then, each classes inherits from an interface or multiple interfaces. That way you can re-implement only parts of the code as you need to. It is also very useful if you are maintaining Unit Tests, you will be able to use the Moq library without too much effort since it works well with interface and virtual functions.Planned features :3D sound support (if used AS-IS, the sounds won't attach to 3D objects transform, but rather play on the same root)API Compatibility Level : .Net Standard 2.0Support High Stripping Engine Code.Automatic AudioSource managementDetects when an AudioSource has finished playingInternal AudioSource PoolingAudio System layer based gives the ability toPlay, Pause, Stop sounds on different layersSet or smooth volume on a specific layerCross fade an active layer playing sounds with new soundsUse scale or unscaled delta time when smoothing or crossfading.Replicate AudioSource settingsCan be used as Scriptable Object or Serialized fieldsProvide a 100% code coverage Integration/Unit tests suite to facilitate modifications of the package while keeping intended behavior.See documentation : http://forcemagictoolbox.com/audiosystemPlanned features :3D sound support (if used AS-IS, the sounds won't attach to 3D objects transform, but rather play on the same root)